
“Art is whatever you can get away with.”
This is so far my favorite McLuhan quote. I kept this idea in mind during my photo shooting process. I chose not to use a camera as I intended, and used my phone instead. To me, photography is also a way to keep the memory, and memorable moments don’t always happen when you have a camera in hand. I’ve always enjoyed taking pictures on my phone, and going back to look through those pictures from time to time. Whenever I tell a story to a friend, or talk simply about something from back home, I’d always pull out my phone and find a picture of the time from my album. And I love having some sort of evidence of my past with me for reference, or just for keepsake. This time, I tried to do something as natural as possible, and take pictures that are as “me” as possible. A lot of them are not in perfect focus, nor have fancy color effects. 
Like I said, it's not in focus, but it is a reproduction of what I saw and how I felt at the moment

I really tackled with the idea of "reproduction" and I want to present a new angle of looking at the place we all live in, and the city that is often seen as dull and boring. I want to look at things people don’t usually look at, in a way that people don’t usually do. All the pictures are taken in the city of Appleton, obviously, and a lot of them are taken on the Lawrence campus. So I want to ask you all to guess where they were taken, and think about how things can look completely different, even unrecognizable, when you look from a different angle, through a different lens.

Link to Flickr

Annnnd Here it comes my daily Tarkovsky film
What is real and what is reproduction?


  1. I really like your project, it’s very difficult to try to portray how you perceive the world to others through any medium, because others will always perceive it differently based on their own views of her world, but you did a very good job of it!


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